Liang Shing Co. Ltd.


Client Info

Liang Shing Co. Ltd., is the only 3C (computer, communication, and consumer electronics) retailer in Taiwan to feature products in “electronic parts, instrumentation tools, computer accessories, and smart appliances” in one place. In 2005, the company launched EcLife Online Shopping Site. As a pioneer in e-commerce in the field of electronic, EcLife has been introduced a variety of innovative services.


Communicate with online customers effectively

Before using Kerebro, we had a limited channel to communicate with our customers on the website. The only significant channel was probably the banner section on the homepage. After using Kerebro’s real-time onsite ads, we are able to choose where, when, and how to display our messages. We are no longer limited by time and space. We are able to recommend messages when our target customers come.


For example, every day around noon, we found out that visitor surges thanks to lunch break. In order to boost conversion, we have launched special promotions only for 2 hours. We can setup message delivery at designed time frame and announce this news to all visitors when the promotion begins automatically.



Target different groups of customers

To target customers from different sources, we can also make good use of Kerebro to bring them specific information. One example is that we offer "discount coupon which expired in 5 days" for customers clicking through EDM. Through this method, we can push these customers who are already interested in our products to make quick purchases by offering them an incentive.



Kerebro helps us to run an online store just like a physical store!

When we first heard about Kerebro’s service, we think we have found the exact thing we have been longing to do. We started from physical stores, and we are very good at receiving customers and providing the information they are looking for. Yet in recent years, when online sales have been growing, we want to apply this know-how from our physical store managers to our website. After using Kerebro, we have finally realized our goals online!


How did Liang Shing do it?


1. Schedule your onsite ad to display at specific time frame. In this case, display launch special promotions at 12pm-2pm everyday.


2. Target customers from EDM with "Traffic Sources" trigger. In this case, fill in the URL peramiter "edm" in source field.






If you haven’t already got an account, you can sign up for Kerebro for free.

And of course let us know if you have any questions! Email us and we will get back to you quick!




If you have any question, please
mail to [email protected],
we will get back to you soon!